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# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# This source code is distributed under the terms of version 2 of the GNU
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, a copy
# of which can be found in the main directory of this project.
Gentoo Linux Installer
The GLIUtility module contians all utility functions used throughout GLI.
import string, os, re, shutil, sys, random, commands, crypt, pty, select
from GLIException import *
# Check to see if a string is actually a string, and if it is not null. Returns bool.
# @param string_a string to be checked.
def is_realstring(string):
# Make sure it is a string
if not isinstance(string, (str, unicode)):
return False
return True
# Checks to see if x is a numeral by doing a type conversion.
# @param x value to be checked
def is_numeric(x):
except ValueError:
return False
return True
# Check to see if a string is a valid ip. Returns bool.
# @param ip ip to be checked.
def is_ip(ip):
# Make sure it is a string
if not is_realstring(ip):
return False
# Compile the regular expression that validates an IP. It will also check for valid ranges.
expr = re.compile('(([0-9]|[01]?[0-9]{2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))\.){3}([0-9]|[01]?[0-9]{2}|2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5]))$')
# Run the test.
res = expr.match(ip)
# Return True only if there are results.
return(res != None)
# Check to see if mac is a valid MAC address. Make sure use format_mac
# before using this function. Returns bool.
# @param mac mac address to be checked.
def is_mac(mac):
expr = re.compile('([0-9A-F]{2}:){5}[0-9A-F]{2}')
res = expr.match(mac)
return(res != None)
# Format's a mac address properly. Returns the correctly formatted MAC. (a string)
# @param mac mac address to be formatted
def format_mac(mac):
mac = string.replace(mac, '-', ':')
mac = string.upper(mac)
mac = string.split(mac, ':')
for i in range(0, len(mac)):
if len(mac[i]) < 2:
mac[i] = "0" + mac[i]
return string.join(mac, ":")
# Removes leading zero's from an IP address. For example
# trim_ip('') => ''
# @param ip IP address to be trimmed
def trim_ip(ip):
# Remove leading zero's on the first octet
ip = re.sub('^0{1,2}','',ip)
# Remove leading zero's from the other octets
res = re.sub('((?<=\.)(00|0)(?P<num>\d))','\g<num>',ip)
# Check to see if the string passed is a valid device. Returns bool.
# @param device device to be checked
def is_device(device):
# Make sure it is a string
if not is_realstring(device):
return False
# Make sure the string starts with /dev/
if device[0:5] != '/dev/':
return False
# Check to make sure the device exists
return os.access(device, os.F_OK)
# Check to see if the string is a valid hostname. Returns bool.
# @param hostname host to be checked
def is_hostname(hostname):
# Make sure it is a string
if not is_realstring(hostname):
return False
expr = re.compile('^([a-zA-Z0-9-_\.])+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$')
res = expr.match(hostname)
return(res != None)
# Check to see if the string is a valid path. Returns bool.
# @param path Path to be checked.
def is_path(path):
# Make sure it is a string
if not is_realstring(path):
return False
# Create a regular expression that matches all words and the symbols '-_./' _ is included in the \w
expr = re.compile('^[\w\.\-\/~]+$')
# Run the match
res = expr.match(path)
# Return True only if there are results
return(res != None)
# Check to see if the string is a valid file. Returns bool.
# @param file file to be checked for validity.
def is_file(file):
# Make sure it is a string
if not is_realstring(file):
return False
# Check to make sure the device exists
return os.access(file, os.F_OK)
# Parse a URI. Returns a tuple (protocol, username, password, host, port, path)
# Returns None if URI is invalid.
# @param uri URI to be parsed
def parse_uri(uri):
# Compile the regex
expr = re.compile('(\w+)://(?:([^:@]+)(?::([^@]+))?@)?(?:([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+)(?::(\d+))?)?(/.*)')
# Run it against the URI
res = expr.match(uri)
if not res:
# URI doesn't match regex and therefore is invalid
return None
# Get tuple of matches
# 0 - Protocol
# 1 - Username
# 2 - Password
# 3 - Host
# 4 - Port
# 5 - Path
uriparts = res.groups()
return uriparts
# Check to see if the string is a valid URI. Returns bool.
# @param uri URI to be validated
# @param checklocal=True Whether to look for a local uri.
def is_uri(uri, checklocal=True):
# Make sure it is a string
if not is_realstring(uri):
return False
# Set the valid uri types
valid_uri_types = ('ftp', 'rsync', 'http', 'file', 'https', 'scp')
# Parse the URI
uriparts = parse_uri(uri)
if not uriparts:
# Invalid URI
return False
# Check for valid uri type
if not uriparts[0] in valid_uri_types:
return False
# If checklocal and the URI is a local file, check to see if the file exists
if uriparts[0] == "file" and checklocal:
if not is_file(uriparts[5]):
return False
return True
# Converts a string to a boolean value. anything not "True" is deemed false.
# @param input must be a string so it can be converted to boolean.
def strtobool(input):
if type(input) != str:
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal','strtobool',"The input must be a string!")
if string.lower(input) == 'true':
return True
return False
# Check to see if device is a valid ethernet device. Returns bool.
# @param device device to be checked
def is_eth_device(device):
# Make sure it is a string
if not is_realstring(device):
return False
# Old way w/ reg ex here:
# Create a regular expression to test the specified device.
#expr = re.compile('^(eth|wlan|ppp)([0-9]{1,2})(:[0-9]{1,2})?$')
# Run the match
#res = expr.match(device)
# Return True only if there are results
#return(res != None)
status, output = spawn("/sbin/ifconfig -a | grep -e '^[A-Za-z]'| cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep '"+ device + "'", return_output=True)
if output:
return True
return False
# Will return a list of devices found in ifconfig.
def get_eth_devices():
status, output = spawn("/sbin/ifconfig -a | grep -e '^[A-Za-z]'| cut -d ' ' -f 1", return_output=True)
return output.split()
# Checks to see if device is a valid NFS device
# @param device device to be checked
def is_nfs(device):
if not is_realstring(device):
return False
colon_location = device.find(':')
if colon_location == -1:
return False
host = device[:colon_location]
path = device[colon_location+1:]
return((is_ip(host) or is_hostname(host)) and is_path(path))
# Sets the network ip (used for the livecd environment)
# @param dev device to be configured
# @param ip ip address of device
# @param broadcast broadcast address of device
# @param netmask netmask address of device
def set_ip(dev, ip, broadcast, netmask):
if not is_ip(ip) or not is_ip(netmask) or not is_ip(broadcast):
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal','set_ip', ip + ", " + netmask + "and, " + broadcast + "must be a valid IP's!")
if not is_eth_device(dev):
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal','set_ip', dev + "is not a valid ethernet device!")
options = "%s inet %s broadcast %s netmask %s" % (dev, ip, broadcast, netmask)
status = spawn("ifconfig " + options)
if not exitsuccess(status):
return False
return True
# Sets the default route (used for the livecd environment)
# @param route ip addresss of gateway.
def set_default_route(route):
if not is_ip(route):
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal', 'set_default_route', route + " is not an ip address!")
status = spawn("route add default gw " + route)
if not exitsuccess(status):
return False
return True
# Will run a command with various flags for the style of output and logging.
# @param cmd The command to be run
# @param quiet=False Whether or not to filter output to /dev/null
# @param logfile=None if provied will log output to the given filename
# @param display_on_tty8=False will output to tty8 instead of the screen.
# @param chroot=None will run the command inside the new chroot env.
# @param append_log=False whether to start over on the logfile or append.
# @param return_output=False Returns the output along with the exit status
def spawn(cmd, quiet=False, logfile=None, display_on_tty8=False, chroot=None, append_log=False, return_output=False, linecount=0, match=None, cc=None, status_message=None):
# This is a hack since spawn() can't access _logger...set to True for verbose output on console
debug = False
if chroot:
wrapper = open(chroot+"/var/tmp/spawn.sh", "w")
wrapper.write("#!/bin/bash -l\n" + cmd + "\nexit $?\n")
cmd = "chmod a+x " + chroot + "/var/tmp/spawn.sh && chroot " + chroot + " /var/tmp/spawn.sh 2>&1"
cmd += " 2>&1 "
if debug:
print "Command: " + cmd
output = ""
if logfile:
if append_log:
fd_logfile = open(logfile,'a')
fd_logfile = open(logfile,'w')
if display_on_tty8:
fd_tty = open('/dev/tty8','w')
# Set initial sub-progress display
if cc:
cc.addNotification("progress", (0, status_message))
# open a read only pipe
ro_pipe = os.popen(cmd, 'r')
# read a line from the pipe and loop until
# pipe is empty
# data = ro_pipe.readline()
seenlines = 0
last_percent = 0
while 1:
# data = ro_pipe.read(16384)
data = os.read(ro_pipe.fileno(), 16384)
if debug:
print "DEBUG: read some data...length " + str(len(data))
if not data:
if linecount and cc:
if debug:
print "DEBUG: end of stream...progress is 1"
cc.addNotification("progress", (1, status_message))
# print "DEBUG: spawn(): data is " + str(len(data)) + " bytes long"
if logfile:
# fd_logfile.flush()
if display_on_tty8:
if return_output:
output += data
if linecount and cc:
lastpos = -1
while 1:
lastpos = data.find("\n", lastpos + 1)
if lastpos == -1: break
# if match:
# if not re.match(match, uri):
# continue
seenlines += 1
if debug:
print "DEBUG: seenlines=" + str(seenlines)
percent = float(seenlines) / linecount
if debug:
print "DEBUG: percent=" + str(percent)
# print "DEBUG: spawn(): seenlines=" + str(seenlines) + ", linecount=" + str(linecount) + ", percent=" + str(percent)
if int(percent * 100) >= (last_percent + 5):
last_percent = int(percent * 100)
if debug:
print "DEBUG: setting next progress point...last_percent=" + str(last_percent)
cc.addNotification("progress", (percent, status_message))
# print "DEBUG: spawn(): send notification " + str((percent, status_message))
# data = ro_pipe.readline()
# close the file descriptors
if logfile: fd_logfile.close()
if display_on_tty8: fd_tty.close()
# close the pipe and save return value
ret = ro_pipe.close() or 0
if return_output:
return ret, output
return ret
# Will check the status of a spawn result to see if it did indeed return successfully.
# @param status Parameter description
def exitsuccess(status):
if os.WIFEXITED(status) and os.WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0:
return True
return False
# Will produce a bash shell with a special prompt for the installer.
def spawn_bash():
os.putenv("PROMPT_COMMAND","echo \"Type 'exit' to return to the installer.\"")
status = spawn("bash")
return status
# Will download or copy a file/uri to a location
# @param uri uri to be fetched.
# @param path destination for the file.
def get_uri(uri, path, cc=None):
uri = uri.strip()
status = 0
if re.match('^(ftp|http(s)?)://',uri):
if cc:
status = spawn("wget --progress=dot " + uri + " -O " + path + r""" 2>&1 | sed -u -e 's:^.\+\([0-9]\+\)%.\+$:\1:' | while read line; do [ "$line" = "$tmp_lastline" ] || echo $line | grep -e '^[1-9]'; tmp_lastline=$line; done""", linecount=100, cc=cc, status_message="Fetching " + uri.split('/')[-1])
status = spawn("wget --quiet " + uri + " -O " + path)
elif re.match('^rsync://', uri):
status = spawn("rsync --quiet " + uri + " " + path)
elif uri.startswith("scp://"):
# Get tuple of matches
# 0 - Protocol
# 1 - Username
# 2 - Password
# 3 - Host
# 4 - Port
# 5 - Path
uriparts = parse_uri(uri)
scpcmd = "scp "
if uriparts[4]:
scpcmd += "-P " + uriparts[4] + " "
if uriparts[1]:
scpcmd += uriparts[1] + "@"
scpcmd += uriparts[3] + ":" + uriparts[5] + " " + path
pid, child_fd = pty.fork()
if not pid:
os.execvp("scp", scpcmd.split())
while 1:
r, w, e = select.select([child_fd], [], [])
if child_fd in r:
data = os.read(child_fd, 1024)
pid2, status = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
if data.endswith("assword: "):
if uriparts[2]:
os.write(child_fd, uriparts[2] + "\n")
os.write(child_fd, "\n")
elif data.endswith("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? "):
os.write(child_fd, "yes\n")
pid2, status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
if pid2:
elif re.match('^file://', uri):
r_file = uri[7:]
if os.path.isfile(r_file):
shutil.copy(r_file, path)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal', 'get_uri', "Cannot copy " + r_file + " to " + path)
# Just in case a person forgets file://
if os.path.isfile(uri):
shutil.copy(uri, path)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal', 'get_uri', "Cannot copy " + r_file + " to " + path)
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal', 'get_uri', "File does not exist or URI is invalid!")
if exitsuccess(status) and is_file(path):
return True
return False
# Pings a host. Used to test network connectivity.
# @param host host to be pinged.
def ping(host):
host = str(host)
if not (is_hostname(host) or is_ip(host)):
return False #invalid IP or hostname
status = spawn("ping -n -c 2 " + host)
if not exitsuccess(status):
return False
return True
# Pass in the eth device's number (0, 1, 2, etc).
# Returns network information in a tuple.
# Order is hw_addr, ip_addr, mask, bcast, route, and
# whether it's up (True or False).
# @param device device to gather info from.
def get_eth_info(device):
"""Pass in the eth device's number (0, 1, 2, etc).
Returns network information in a tuple.
Order is hw_addr, ip_addr, mask, bcast, route, and
whether it's up (True or False).
hw_addr = 'None'
ip_addr = 'None'
mask = 'None'
bcast = 'None'
gw = 'None'
up = False
if len(str(device)) == 1:
device = "eth" + str(device)
if not is_eth_device(device):
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal', "get_eth_info", device + " is not a valid ethernet device!")
status, device_info = spawn("/sbin/ifconfig " + device, return_output=True)
if exitsuccess(status):
for line in device_info.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if 'HWaddr' in line:
hw_addr = line.split('HWaddr',1)[1].strip()
if 'inet addr' in line:
ip_addr = line.split(' ')[0].split(':')[1]
if 'Bcast' in line:
bcast = line.split(' ')[1].split(':')[1]
if 'Mask' in line:
mask = line.split(' ')[2].split(':')[1]
if line.startswith('UP'):
up = True
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal', "get_eth_info", device_info)
gw = spawn(r"/sbin/route -n | grep -e '^0\.0\.0\.0' | sed -e 's:^0\.0\.0\.0 \+::' -e 's: \+.\+$::'", return_output=True)[1].strip()
return (hw_addr, ip_addr, mask, bcast, gw, up)
# Will take a uri and get and unpack a tarball into the destination.
# @param tarball_uri URI of tarball
# @param target_directory destination
# @param temp_directory="/tmp" a temporary location (used for dealing with the
# ramdisk size limitations of the livecd env.
# @param keep_permissions=False Whether or not to keep permissions (-p)
def fetch_and_unpack_tarball(tarball_uri, target_directory, temp_directory="/tmp", keep_permissions=False, cc=None):
"Fetches a tarball from tarball_uri and extracts it into target_directory"
# Get tarball info
tarball_filename = tarball_uri.split("/")[-1]
# Get the tarball
if not get_uri(tarball_uri, temp_directory + "/" + tarball_filename, cc):
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal', 'fetch_and_unpack_tarball',"Could not fetch " + tarball_uri)
# Reset tar options
tar_options = "xv"
# If the tarball is bzip'd
if tarball_filename.split(".")[-1] == "tbz" or tarball_filename.split(".")[-1] == "bz2":
format_option = "j"
# If the tarball is gzip'd
elif tarball_filename.split(".")[-1] == "tgz" or tarball_filename.split(".")[-1] == "gz":
format_option = "z"
tar_options += format_option
# If we want to keep permissions
if keep_permissions:
tar_options = tar_options + "p"
# Get number of files in tarball
tarfiles = 0
if cc:
cc.addNotification("progress", (0, "Determining the number of files in " + tarball_filename))
tarfiles = int(spawn("tar -t" + format_option + "f " + temp_directory + "/" + tarball_filename + " 2>/dev/null | wc -l", return_output=True)[1].strip())
# Unpack the tarball
exitstatus = spawn("tar -" + tar_options + " -f " + temp_directory + "/" + tarball_filename + " -C " + target_directory, display_on_tty8=True, logfile="/tmp/compile_output.log", append_log=True, linecount=tarfiles, cc=cc, status_message="Copying filesystem, please wait") # change this to the logfile variable
if not exitsuccess(exitstatus):
raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", 'fatal', 'fetch_and_unpack_tarball',"Could not unpack " + tarball_uri + " to " + target_directory)
# OLD Will generate a random password. Used when the livecd didn't auto-scramble the root password.
# can probably be removed but is good to keep around.
def generate_random_password():
s = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890$%^&*[]{}-=+_,|'\"<>:/"
s = list(s)
for i in range(0,len(s)/2):
x = random.randint(0,len(s)-1)
y = random.randint(0,len(s)-1)
tmp = s[x]
s[x] = s[y]
s[y] = tmp
passwd = ""
for i in range(0,random.randint(8,12)):
passwd += s[i]
return passwd
# Will grab a value from a specified file after sourcing it
# @param filename file to get the value from
# @param value value to look for
def get_value_from_config(filename, value):
#OLD WAY: return string.strip(commands.getoutput("source " + filename + " && echo $" + value))
status, output = spawn("source " + filename + " && echo $" + value, return_output=True)
return string.strip(output)
# Will take a password and return it hashed in md5 format
# @param password the password to be hashed
def hash_password(password):
salt = "$1$"
chars = "./abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
for i in range(0, 8):
salt += chars[random.randint(0, len(chars)-1)]
salt += "$"
passwd_hash = crypt.crypt(password, salt)
return passwd_hash
# Returns the real name (manufacturer and model) of a network interface
# @param interface Name of interface (like in ifconfig)
def get_interface_realname(interface):
# TODO: rewrite with 2.4 support
if is_file("/sys/class/net/" + interface + "/device"):
return spawn("lspci | grep $(basename $(readlink /sys/class/net/" + interface + r"/device)) | sed -e 's|^.\+ Ethernet controller: ||'", return_output=True)[1].strip()
return "No Information Found"
def list_stage_tarballs_from_mirror(mirror, arch, subarch):
return spawn("wget -O - " + mirror + "/releases/" + arch + "/current/stages/" + subarch + r"/ 2> /dev/null | grep 'bz2\"' | sed -e 's:^.\+href=\"\(.\+\)\".\+$:\1:i'", return_output=True)[1].strip().split("\n")
def list_subarch_from_mirror(mirror, arch):
return spawn("wget -O - " + mirror + "/releases/" + arch + r"/current/stages/ 2> /dev/null | grep folder.gif | sed -e 's:^.\+href=\"\(.\+\)\".\+$:\1:i'", return_output=True)[1].strip().split("\n")
def list_mirrors(http=True, ftp=True, rsync=True):
mirrors = []
mirrortypes = ""
if http:
mirrortypes += "http"
if ftp:
if mirrortypes:
mirrortypes += '\|'
mirrortypes += "ftp"
if rsync:
if mirrortypes:
mirrortypes += '\|'
mirrortypes += "rsync"
mirrorlist = spawn(r"wget -O - 'http://www.gentoo.org/main/en/mirrors.xml?passthru=1' 2>/dev/null | /bin/sed -ne '/^[[:space:]]\+<uri link=\"\(" + mirrortypes + r"\):\/\/[^\"]\+\">/{s/^[[:space:]]\+<uri link=\"\([^\"]\+\)\">\(.*\)<\/uri>.*$/\1|\2/;p}'", return_output=True)[1].strip().split("\n")
for mirror in mirrorlist:
mirror = mirror.strip()
return mirrors
def generate_keymap_list():
keymap_list = []
path = "/usr/share/keymaps/i386/*"
# find /usr/share/keymaps -iname *.map.gz -printf "%f \n"
put, get = os.popen4("find "+path+" -iname *.map.gz -printf \"%f \n\"")
for keymap in get.readlines():
# strip the last 9 chars ( .map.gz\n )
keymap = keymap[:-9]
# sort the keymap list
return keymap_list
def generate_consolefont_list():
path = "/usr/share/consolefonts"
# find /usr/share/consolefonts -iname *.gz -printf "%f \n"
put, get = os.popen4("find "+path+" -iname *.gz -printf \"%f \n\"")
for consolefont in get.readlines():
# strip the last 5 chars ( .gz\n )
consolefont = consolefont[:-5]
# test if its psfu or psf or fnt
# and remove it if necessary
if consolefont[-4:]== "psfu":
consolefont = consolefont[:-5]
if consolefont[-3:]== "psf":
consolefont = consolefont[:-4]
if consolefont[-3:]=="fnt":
consolefont = consolefont[:-4]
# sort the keymap list
return consolefont_list
def generate_consoletranslation_list():
path = "/usr/share/consoletrans"
# find /usr/share/keymaps -iname *.trans -printf "%f \n"
put, get = os.popen4("find "+path+" -iname *.trans -printf \"%f \n\"")
for consoletran in get.readlines():
# strip the last 8 chars ( .trans\n )
consoletran = consoletran[:-8]
return consoletranslation_list
def get_global_use_flags():
use_desc = {}
f = open("/usr/portage/profiles/use.desc", "r")
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line == "# The following flags are NOT to be set or unset by users":
if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue
dash_pos = line.find(" - ")
if dash_pos == -1: continue
flagname = line[:dash_pos] or line[dash_pos-1]
desc = line[dash_pos+3:]
use_desc[flagname] = desc
return use_desc
def get_local_use_flags():
use_local_desc = {}
f = open("/usr/portage/profiles/use.local.desc", "r")
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if not line or line.startswith("#"): continue
dash_pos = line.find(" - ")
if dash_pos == -1: continue
colon_pos = line.find(":", 0, dash_pos)
pkg = line[:colon_pos]
flagname = line[colon_pos+1:dash_pos] or line[colon_pos+1]
desc = "(" + pkg + ") " + line[dash_pos+3:]
use_local_desc[flagname] = desc
return use_local_desc
def get_cd_snapshot_uri():
snapshot_loc = spawn("ls /mnt/{cdrom,livecd}/snapshots/portage-* 2>/dev/null | head -n 1", return_output=True)[1].strip()
if snapshot_loc:
snapshot_loc = "file://" + snapshot_loc
return snapshot_loc
def validate_uri(uri):
# Get tuple of matches
# 0 - Protocol
# 1 - Username
# 2 - Password
# 3 - Host
# 4 - Port
# 5 - Path
uriparts = parse_uri(uri)
if not uriparts:
return False
if uriparts[0] in ('http', 'https', 'ftp'):
ret = spawn("wget --spider " + uri)
return exitsuccess(ret)
elif uriparts[0] == "file":
return is_file(uriparts[5])
return True
def get_directory_listing_from_uri(uri):
uriparts = parse_uri(uri)
if not uriparts:
return []
if uriparts[0] == "file":
dirlist = os.listdir(uriparts[5])
dirs = []
files = []
for entry in dirlist:
if os.path.isdir(uriparts[5] + entry):
dirs.append(entry + "/")
if not uriparts[5] == "/":
dirlist = ["../"]
dirlist = []
dirlist += dirs + files
elif uriparts[0] == "http":
dirlist = spawn("wget -O - http://" + uriparts[3] + uriparts[5] + r" 2> /dev/null | grep -i href | grep -v 'http://' | grep -v 'ftp://' | sed -e 's:^.\+href=\"\(.\+\)\".\+$:\1:i'", return_output=True)[1].strip().split("\n")
dirs = []
files = []
for entry in dirlist:
if not entry.startswith("/") and entry.find("?") == -1:
if entry.endswith("/"):
if not uriparts[5] == "/":
dirlist = ["../"]
dirlist = []
dirlist += dirs + files
elif uriparts[0] == "ftp":
dirlist = spawn("wget -O - ftp://" + uriparts[3] + uriparts[5] + r" 2> /dev/null | grep -i href | sed -e 's:^.\+href=\"\(.\+\)\".\+$:\1:i' -e 's|^ftp://[^/]\+/|/|'", return_output=True)[1].strip().split("\n")
dirs = []
files = []
for entry in dirlist:
if entry.startswith(uriparts[5]):
entry = entry[len(uriparts[5]):]
if entry.endswith("/"):
if not uriparts[5] == "/":
dirlist = ["../"]
dirlist = []
dirlist += dirs + files
elif uriparts[0] == "scp":
tmpdirlist = ""
dirlist = []
sshcmd = ["ssh"]
if uriparts[4]:
if uriparts[1]:
sshcmd.append(uriparts[1] + "@" + uriparts[3])
sshcmd.append("ls --color=no -1F " + uriparts[5] + r" 2>/dev/null | sed -e 's:\*$::'")
# print str(sshcmd)
pid, child_fd = pty.fork()
if not pid:
os.execvp("ssh", sshcmd)
got_password_prompt = False
while 1:
r, w, e = select.select([child_fd], [], [])
if child_fd in r:
data = os.read(child_fd, 1024)
pid2, status = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
if data.endswith("assword: "):
if uriparts[2]:
os.write(child_fd, uriparts[2] + "\n")
os.write(child_fd, "\n")
got_password_prompt = True
elif data.endswith("Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? "):
os.write(child_fd, "yes\n")
if got_password_prompt:
if not tmpdirlist and data.endswith("assword: "):
raise GLIException("IncorrectPassword", "notice", "get_directory_listing_from_uri", "Your SSH password was incorrect")
tmpdirlist += data
pid2, status = os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)
if pid2:
for tmpentry in tmpdirlist.strip().split("\n"):
dirs = []
files = []
for entry in dirlist:
if entry.endswith("/"):
if not uriparts[5] == "/":
dirlist = ["../"]
dirlist = []
dirlist += dirs + files
dirlist = ["this/", "type/", "isn't/", "supported", "yet"]
return dirlist
def cdata(text):
if text.startswith("<![CDATA["):
return text
return "<![CDATA[\n" + text + "\n]]>"
def uncdata(text):
if text.startswith("<![CDATA["):
return text[9:-5]
return text
def get_grp_pkgs_from_cd():
if not is_file("/usr/livecd/grppkgs.txt"):
return ""
#raise GLIException("GLIUtilityError", "fatal", "get_grp_pkgs_from_cd", "Required file /usr/livecd/grppkgs.txt does not exist")
status,output = spawn('cat /usr/livecd/grppkgs.txt',return_output=True)
output = output.split()
#remove the first part before a / for comparision
results = []
for pkg in output:
return results
def get_keymaps(self):
return GLIUtility.spawn(r"find /usr/share/keymaps -iname *.map.gz | sed -e 's:^.\+/::' -e 's:\..\+$::' | sort", return_output=True)[1].strip().split("\n")
def get_chosts(arch):
chosts = []
if arch == "x86":
chosts = ["i386-pc-linux-gnu", "i486-pc-linux-gnu", "i586-pc-linux-gnu", "i686-pc-linux-gnu"]
if arch == "amd64":
chosts = ["x86_64-pc-linux-gnu"]
if arch == "alpha":
chosts = ["alpha-unknown-linux-gnu"]
if arch == "ppc":
chosts = ["powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu"]
if arch == "ppc64":
chosts = ["powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu"]
if arch in ["sparc", "sparc64"]:
chosts = ["sparc-unknown-linux-gnu"]
if arch == "hppa":
chosts = ["hppa-unknown-linux-gnu", "hppa1.1-unknown-linux-gnu", "hppa2.0-unknown-linux-gnu"]
if arch == "mips":
chosts = ["mips-unknown-linux-gnu"]
return chosts